Cat Spilman in Piece With Artist Magazine

Cat Spilman’s work has been featured in the ‘Piece With Artist’ magazine N.03!

"I see my paintings as portraits. They’re monochrome, abstract pieces and most of them aren’t obviously figurative, but from my perspective they’re all portraits."


In this article, Cat discusses her journey and the process of creating her canvases. Spilman explains that for her, painting is like an exercise or meditation and that she finds the act of constructing her layered works far more interesting than the final result.


"It’s satisfying when I step back and acknowledge that a piece is finished, but the process is much more interesting."


All aspects of Spilman’s life infiltrate into her work – creating a deep intimacy and vulnerability as she depicts inner and private emotions to her audiences. A new language, personal to Spilman, is created through her paintings as she describes everything that is too difficult to say with words through the visual narrative of her brushstrokes.


 Cat Spilman's opening page in Piece With Artist Edition No.03


The dense layers of Spilman’s canvases are created with immediacy in the moment of creation, sketching with crayon. She explains that the monochromatic nature of her paintings creates a unity between the works and ensures that she stays true to herself. Through this instructed way of working, Spilman finds freedom and consistency in her pieces.


"[Painting is] a way of communicating when words fail, or when things feel too delicate and personal to say more literally, so my motivation comes from a need to connect both with myself and others."


Read more about Spilman’s process and connection to her works in the No.03 Edition of Piece With Artist Magazine!


For more information about Cat Spilman's work available here at RHODES please email


February 14, 2024
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