In the colourful studio of Danny Gretscher

We are excited to be presenting Danny Gretscher’s first solo show with RHODES this November. Gretscher is planning to fill the space with his bright and instantly recognisable unique works.



Gretscher's combinations of colour and pattern present figurative shapes in a geometric way. This abstract work draws on the jagged expressionism that we see in graffiti whilst also leaning into a fluidity that is created by repeated imagery and ornamentations.

His reoccurring mark making techniques and blocked shapes presents his works with a consensus of unity-each piece seamlessly flows into the other with a fresh perspective of life and form. However, each painting is still very much its own with individual character and personality through his use of colour pallet, composition, and title. Some botanicals are blooming against bright pinks whilst others are pushed to the front of our view with darker, more calming blues.

This repetition also gives Gretschers work a rhythm in a way that carries us through his intense imagination and spiritual connection that he experiences with the world around him.



“I think real artists are channels to allow the energy of the universe to transform into arts, music or poems. The more open you are to that energy the more the energy flows and that’s where the magic happens.”

To view his work is to be a part of his 3D world on a 2D canvas. In sharing his world with us, Gretcher creates a welcoming environment of colour and fun. He takes us with him to a place of imagination and self-expression in the areas of calm amongst the loud patterns.

It is also interesting to note that Gretscher uses a wooden board rather than traditional canvas to paint on, creating an extra level of dimension to his work. By doing this he allows himself to really work into the painting, adding coats of acrylic paint, spray-paints, oil pastel and pencil in a way that wouldn’t be possible on a delicate canvas. The works have a lot of movement and energy, much like Gretscher in the studio, they jump about as every time you change your gaze-you see something new. The intricate detail with each medium allows for the eye to continuously find a different aspect of the painting to focus on. Gretscher translates his layered imagination through visual works that are full of subtle complexities that pull you into the painting and keep you there.



As well as his paintings, Danny Gretscher will also be exhibiting some of his works on paper so that the viewer will have the opportunity to see the development of his images and art practice.


If you are interested in learning more about Gretscher's work please email us at 

October 11, 2023
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